Change your Attitude

School is an amazing place for students to grow and learn about themselves. However, as we mature, we encounter events in school that can cause us pain such as breakups, bullying, failing grades, bad friendships, and rude teachers. During these situations, sometimes all we want to do is just be upset or angry. My advice: change your attitude.

When you are surrounded by bad events or people, the key to overcoming them is to change your attitude. Everyone has a right to be upset about something that hurts their feelings. As a sensitive person, sometimes all I want to do is cry about a situation. But, when we allow those emotions to take over us completely, we allow ourselves to dwell on the bad, which only hurts us in the end. Choosing to be upset can make us depressed, angry, stressed, or anxious. This can negatively impact your school productivity and your ability to be an excellent student - and you definitely don’t want that to happen.

There are many ways to change your attitude. Most times, when I feel upset about something, I think about something that makes me excited or gives me joy. Another way to change your attitude is to allow yourself to be angry at a certain situation for about 10-15 minutes, and then force yourself to move on and think about something else. You can also do a fun activity like hanging out with your friends or doing a fun hobby to force your mind to think about happier situations. Lastly, sometimes I allow myself to daydream. Daydreams may not always be real, but they can definitely make you happier.  

I understand that this is not easy. And. if you fail, that’s okay. To this day, I struggle to achieve this. But, changing your attitude is the only way to become a happier and mentally strong person. Life is full of bad events, but we can’t spend our lives being upset all the time. So, when you fail, try again. Each time you will only get stronger. 

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Finding Balance